Hamed Abdulmajeed Aljaberi
Head Human Resources Development
Bahrain National Gas Company
Hamed Abdulmajeed Aljaberi has 16 years of experience in in HR Development & Training. He Has completed his master’s degree in business administration. Serving as a Part time instructor for various governmental training institutes and have delivered more than 40 training courses/workshops attended by the private and government sectors staff.
Topic: Importance of HSE Competency
Competency can be described as the combination of Knowledge, Skills and Attitude that the person has, which are qualifying him/her to perform the assigned tasks efficiently as required.
Competence in Health and safety should be considered as vital component of workplace activities, not an add-on or afterthought.
As an employer, it is very essential to make sure that any person performing a particular task/assignment on your behalf has the required competency and experience to do without putting the health and safety of themselves or others at significant risk. It is very important for companies and organizations to create HSE culture among the staff and stakeholders. Moreover, that can be enhanced by creating suitable policies and procedures which are considered as a guidance for all the entity’s staff and stakeholders.